Willa Wanders

Fodder School and all of your courses are like meditation with passion (passion for art) for me! -Gunjan B.

Learn it

Practice it

Create it

Learn it • Practice it • Create it •

Registration is now open for Fodder Challenge 2024 (JUST $47 + tax) and Fodder School 4.

Willa Workshops

Let my infectious enthusiasm for mixed media art, handmade books and art journaling help you to unleash your self-expression!

Learn new skills and techniques in community with
like-minded people.

Make Handmade Books and Journals

Add (Imperfect) Hand Lettering to Your Art

Become a Confident Mixed
Media Artist


Join the newsletter to get the INSIDE INFO for all things Willa Wanders + Workshops AND my free Mixed Media Madness Mastersheet Project instructional.

ARt FoR FuN & FLoW

Art isn’t just for people who want to make and sell their art in fancy galleries.

The process of making art is for everyone who seeks its miraculous effects. Creating calms our nervous systems and brings peaceful energy into our lives.

Let me help you find your flow!

Hi! I’m WeNdY SoLgaNiK, a.k.a.
WiLla WaNdeRs

It is my mission to remind you that playing in art is important and infinitely valuable, and that it can be the end goal. We don’t all need to exhibit in galleries or sell our works in order to justify the time and resources we spend creating. Collecting materials, learning processes, challenging our creative minds and releasing stress as we make art is enough-if it’s enough for YOU.

You deserve to be happy, relaxed and fulfilled. 

Most women are spending an inordinate amount of their time (this is my guess) pursuing things that have nothing to do with their own fulfillment. They are spending their time doing things that they believe they need to do in order to be loved, because society tells them that they should be and look a certain way in order to be loved. And it’s so untrue.

Along with a team of instructors, I teach mixed media art processes and techniques, watercolor painting and handmade book arts, because we have more than enough enthusiasm for these subjects to fuel a small country. These days, I am passionate about not only making the art, but also developing educational and inspiring online classes that you will fall in love with.

Always remember, you simply don't need any other reason to create other than it feels good in your body and in your mind.

Buy the paint. Make the Art. That’s the Point.

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Hi Wendy. I’m new to your fan club and want to introduce myself . . . You’re one of my art heroes and I kind of feel a kinship with you although we’ve never met. I didn’t really understand what a mixed media artist does until I found some of your work on Pinterest and began to explore your website and the work of other artists that you find inspirational. It has really helped me to look at my long history of making things in a different light. I’ve always been sort of disappointed in myself for having difficulty sticking to just one area of interest; my list of hobbies is long and varied and I find it difficult to resist a deep dive into something new that intrigues me. Now I’m starting to see how all of these seemingly disparate interests can intersect and meld into a more cohesive expression of who am I am what I want to share with the world. Thank you for the encouragement, positivity, and inspiration you’re sharing.

Everything You Need To Know
About why StuDentS LOVE Willa WorKsHoPs

— Joan

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People Say The Kindest Things…

“Just wanted to tell you that I have just done the first mixed media colour video and I am so happy. I don't know anything about mixing colours, the colour wheel, etc etc, so using colour in my art was always a stumbling block for me because I just assumed I had to have more training in the "formal" art theories. You helped me to "exhale" about all of that.

I'm not interested in getting serious about my art - I just want to have lots of FUN with it and be excited & look forward to doing MORE fun art. The fact that I can choose my fave colors AND a surprise colour (like neon pink - OMG) and use the "mother" principal is so exciting!!! It's just the best news ever! And so sensible.

You are officially my Art Teacher and it's changed/improved my world. Thank you so much for that, Wendy. You are truly a gifted, sensible & giving artist. I'm still not sure how I stumbled upon you on IG last year but I am forever grateful to this Divine intervention!!! Now on to Lesson #2!!!! Yay!”

—Jane McGregor

 Listen AnD SubscRiBe to SHow Up OR Shut Up


FREE Wage Peace Word Set

Nine pages of printable words for use in your mixed media art projects. Three sizes of type, three color ways.